Valco and Luigi, better known as the Chip Pups, live a life of luxury in Las Vegas, complete with their own doggy mansion.

@chipgirlhere Inspo @Ash ♬ Pennies From Heaven – Remastered – Louis Prima

Their mansion is found in the backyard of their humans, TikTok influencer Burgundy Waller (aka Chip Girl) and her tech investor husband Mike Caldwell (aka Chip Guy), home in Las Vegas.

Let them take you for a tour of their doggy mansion. Highlights include two floors, two bedrooms, a dining room, an entertaining space, an Xbox Series X, and a slide.

@chipgirlhere @Chip Pups ♬ Blue Blood – Heinz Kiessling & Various Artists

Here’s what the Chip Pups’ morning looks like:

@chipgirlhere ♬ original sound – Burgundy

And their bedtime routine:

@chipgirlhere ♬ original sound – Burgundy

For Christmas, they got treated to Tiffany & Co collars.

@chipgirlhere ♬ Funny Song – Cavendish Music

Here they are having fun on a big bouncy slide.

@chipgirlhere ♬ Blue Blood – Heinz Kiessling & Various Artists

And here they are looking stylish for a family photo shoot.

@chipgirlhere Family photos with @Chase ♬ Funny Song – Cavendish Music

While these dogs are clearly living it up, the backstory is the doggy mansion is actually a playhouse for the couple’s human kids, but the dogs ended up enjoying it just as much. You can follow along at @chipgirlhere on Instagram and TikTok. And make sure to check out Paris Hilton’s $325k doggy villa.
