These are some photos of Ellen Barkin at LAMCA about a month ago, and I would venture a guess that Ellen is probably wearing a Gucci dress since that was basically the whole event. Ellen looks a bit tweaked here (which, sadly, is nothing new these days for her), but her bod looks fantastic. Looks certainly aren’t everything though, and word on the tabloid street is that Ellen is a nightmare on the set of her new television show, “The New Normal.” I wonder if she’s always just like this or if this is something new. Back in 1993, the New York Times painted a wonderful portrait of her: “A visit with Ellen Barkin is not like a visit with a typical movieland diva: no sign of pampered, baroque behavior.” So should we believe this new, nasty Ellen really exists? Here’s the story from Star:
Ellen Barkin plays a witch with a capital B on the hit NBC sitcom “The New Normal,” but a source says she’s even more of a meanie off camera!
“Ellin is always barking at her castmates and cursing out the crew,” the insider tells Star exclusively. “One time she blasted the poor sound guy, spewing out a string of profanities.” Ellen plays snooty, condescending Jane Forrest on the popular show — which may not be much of s stretch.
“She insists on only high-end designer clothes,” snipes the spy. “At first the crew let it go because she’s famous, but now they are getting fed up,” reveals the spy, adding that producers are also wondering if the show’s success is a gift … or a curse! “The cast is worried that they will be stuck with her bizarre behavior for many seasons to come!”
[From Star, print edition, December 19, 2012]
Hmm, I wonder where Kaiser would place Ellen on the diva scale. Probably somewhere between Jennifer Lopez and Gwyneth Paltrow. I always wonder if diva behavior (especially if it’s new) stems from problems at home. Maybe she and her late 20s boytoy aren’t getting along so well. Or maybe Ellen’s still upset that she couldn’t get into Henry Cavill’s pants. Yeah, that’s gotta be the answer. Get in line, Ellen!
Photos courtesy of WENN