This is further evidence that Gisele’s email prayer chain was all for naught. Even Jessica Simpson’s massive pregnancy jugs couldn’t work in the Patriots’ favor! Damn, Jesus really doesn’t care for Tom Brady, right? Jessica was in Indianapolis for the Super Bowl, rooting on the Patriots, and she tweeted these photos. Jessica’s K-Fed (Eric Johnson) used to play for the 49ers, but Eric is from Boston, so Jessica explained her GO PATS mentality: “We were really sad the Niners aren’t here right now — Eric played for the Niners… But we’re going with the Patriots. And I’m a Cowboys fan, so I cannot root for the Giants!”

Jessica also managed to not say a word about the Patriots’ loss. After the game, she only tweeted: “Stayed up past my bedtime. Now it’s time for my big girl panties and sleeping bra!!” Sleeping bra? Poor Jessica! I wonder how much bigger her boobs have gotten. I bet they hurt like a mother.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Jessica’s Twitter.
