For a game like Fortnite, mobility is paramount. Players have to keep moving continuously in search of better loot or simply to survive. The island is full of vehicles, so gamers have a lot of options to choose from when it comes to getting to one location from another.

With a new season on the horizon, Epic Games has pulled a rabbit out of its hat by unvaulting Dirt Bikes without any prior announcement. These have been a fan-favorite mode of transport in the title. However, the unvaulting of these vehicles came at a cost since planes have now been vaulted. That said, where does one find Dirt Bikes in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 5?

How to get Dirt Bikes in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 5

To get a Dirt Bike in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 5, all you need to do is find one out in the open. Interacting with it will allow you to ride it wherever you please. Considering that this is a Dirt Bike, it will not lose traction when you take it offroad. This makes it easier to navigate through uneven terrain.

Dirt Bikes have been spawning all over the island ever since were unvaulted a while back. So, to find one, all you need to do is head to one of the major named locations on the map. Since these bikes have been spawning in high numbers, there's a high chance you will be able to find one in a named region.

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 5 Dirt Bike locations (Image via

Alternatively, if you see an enemy riding a Dirt Bike, you can eliminate them using your weapons and then claim the vehicle for yourself. However, do remember that you'll have to shoot the foe and not the bike. Because if the vehicle takes too much damage, it might explode. Then, you won't be able to use it for yourself anymore.

The map provided earlier should give you an approximate idea of where you can find these bikes in the game. Interestingly enough, these vehicles were spotted on the island in Chapter 4 Season 4 and were vaulted at the start of this season.

With them being made available once again, as the new season is set to drop, there's a high chance that they will play a vital role in the end of season event going live in a few days.

It will be interesting to see if Epic Games has more surprises in store for fans in Chapter 4 Season 5. However, until then enjoy zipping through the island on your Dirt Bikes, loopers.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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